3.-20. ledna 2011:
20. ledna 2011 končím jako vyučující v Prima škole, od druhého pololetí vás bude mít na angličtinu jiný vyučující. Z tohoto důvodu platí následující informace:
- do mého odchodu MUSÍ být uzavřena klasifikace
- proto máte rozpis tady na webu na CELÉ období, tj. od 3. do 20. ledna, kdy jsem v PŠ oficiálně naposledy
- proto budeme hodně zkoušet a hodně opakovat
- pro zkoušení platí VŠE, co jsme v tomto školním roce probrali, a to včetně samostatné práce, již jste dostali pro poslední týden (vizte týden 13.-17. prosince 2010)
- materiály z posledního prosincového týdne si samozřejmě probereme tak, abyste jim rozuměli! Tudíž NEBUDOU součástí zkoušení pro tento týden! Až od týdne dalšího
11.-15. října 2010:
est ze slovíček
- WB: str. 75, 2 Animals, slovíčka z Our school trip - SB: str. 20-21 21/10- Reviewed vocabulary and phrases for speaking test on 4/11. Watched next part of "Nightmare Before Christmas" 14/10- Start watching and discussing Disney movie "The Nightmare Before Christmas"- a childrens movie about what happens when Jack, the pumpkin King of Halloween, tries to take over Christmas. Also, listening comprehension worksheet with song from the movie. 7/10- Halloween picture/word find and match-up activity. New words included: grave, spider, ghost, bat. Listened to a Halloween song 30/9- talked about U.S. October events: Columbus Day, Grover's (character from Sesame Street)birthday, Thanksgiving, Halloween. *NOTE: the class was very disruptive (ie. talking, playing around and not listening) Did worksheets with Halloween words: candy, cauldron, costume, dark, haunted, makeup, party, pumpkins, skull, tombstone, treat, trick, vampire, witch, zombie, goblin,decorations, Frankenstein, broomstick, scary 23/9- "Film crew" activity: Recreated an American film crew. Learned word and phrases used on 'the set'. Words and phrases: "quiet on the set", "speed","rolling", "action", "cut", "background", "that's a wrap", "take 1(2,3,4..etc)","camera", "back to 1" VELKÁ OMLUVA RODIČŮM: OD PÁTKU JSEM SE SNAŽILA ZVLÁDNOUT VIRÓZU, ALE DNES (ÚTERÝ) SE MI K TOMU PŘIDAL ZÁNĚT V OČÍCH. ČTVRTEČNÍ KONZULTACE S RODIČI MUSÍM PŘESUNOUT NA DALŠÍ ČTVRTEK. JEŠTĚ JEDNOU SE OMLOUVÁM! DANIELA PILAŘOVÁ V příloze tohoto článku najdete (níže na straně) ke stažení pdf soubor s hlavními znaky pro výslovnost. JE TŘEBA SE JE NAUČIT!!!! :-) Information fromTeresa will be in red. Ahoji! Sorry for the delay with the class information. Here's what we did the week of 6/9-10/9 : We practiced asking questions using ''who'', ''what'', ''why'', ''where'', ''when'',''how'' week 13/9-17/9 : talked about cinema/film. Film vocab: director, extra/background, cameraman, actor/actress, stuntman/person, stand-in, production assistant, soundman, set designer cinema (types of films): action, musicals, comedy, horror, sci-fi, fantasy, drama, romance, adventure, family Výslovnost slovíček (nejen z hodiny, ale i z učebnice) si můžete zkontrolovat zde: Používejte ikonu UK (Velká Británie) - a tedy britskou standardní výslovnost (RP). Kdo chce vyslovovat americkou angličtinu (ikona US), může, ale pak budu chtít americkou výslovnost VŠECH slovíček, ne část britskou RP a část americkou standardizovanou výslovnost. Při používání Cambridge Online Dictionary (link vizte výše) postupujte takto: do volného pole vepište anglické slovo, nechejte si vyjet nabídku a z ní vyberte, co potřebujete (např. adverb = příslovce, adjective = přídavné jméno, noun = podstatné jméno, verb = sloveso atd.). Objeví se vám význam slova a u něj "klikací" ikony s "tlampačem" - US a UK. Vyberte UK (nezapomeňte si zapnout zvuk :-)) a poslechněte si výslovnost hledaného slova. Tímto způsobem se budou na hodiny připravovat i žáci, kteří jsou na daná slovíčka mimo školu (nemoc atd.). Nepřítomnost není omluva! Jestliže jste dlouhodobě nemocní, pak se samozřejmě domluvíme individuálně, ale běžná týdenní nemoc neznamená omluvu v dalším týdnu. Na intranetu najdete probíranou vocabulary, najdete si výslovnost (ZAPÍŠETE SI JI DO NOTEBOOKŮ) a slovíčka se normálně naučíte. Níže na stránce si nezapomeňte stáhnout handout se speciálními znaky pro zaznamenávání výslovnosti!!! Jmenuje se to Výslovnostní znaky.pdf. Rodiče nových žáků, prosím pozor! Dne 30. 9. ve čtvrtek budu mít konzultace. Od příštího čtvrtku (23. 9.) se na ně můžete online hlásit. Probereme možnosti, jak budou děti dohánět učivo, které se v jejich původní škole nedělalo. Platí i pro rodiče, jejichž žáci jsou v PŠ třeba již rok. Prosím, přijďte i se svými dětmi! V tomto školním roce začínáme výuku podle učebnice Project 2, od strany 20. Vše předcházející bude zkoušeno! Hodnocení testů ze slovíček v tomto školním roce: Při 15 maximálních bodech: Při 20 maximálních bodech: Upozorňuji žáky, že ke slovíčkům, která budeme probírat v rámci příslušné učebnice, mají povinnost učit se z hodiny na hodinu slovíčka, jež si v hodinách píšeme do jotteru a která najdete níže. Tato slovíčka BUDOU SOUČÁSTÍ ZKOUŠENÍ!!! 20.-24. 9. 2010: 13.-17. září 2010: Project No 1 Grammar Revision (Opakování gramatiky z Projectu č. 1). All sheets you can download at the bottom of this page when we finish them at school (všechny materiály si můžete stáhnout zde, až s nimi skončíme). Kdo dnes nebyl ve škole, prosím, zapište si do Deníku úspěchů tematické oblasti pro první pololetí angličtiny: 1 – Vocabulary Revision
Při 30 maximálních bodech:
V tomto týdnu budeme pokračovat v handoutech, které jste dostali jako součást opakování učiva předchozího školního roku.
2 – Animals, Visiting the Zoo
3 – Present Continuous Tense
4 – Present Continuous x Present Simple
5 – Past simple
6 – Starting with irregular verbs
Tento týden budeme pokračovat v opakování present simple a present continuous a také budeme pracovat s pracovním listem z Projectu, který ale Vy nemáte v učebnicích (má ho paní učitelka ), ale který patří ke 2. lekci s tématem Animals. Podíváme se také na anglický plakát pro žáky anglických škol s typickými anglickými divokými zvířaty.
K tématu Tense (časy) si můžete stáhnout přiložený soubor pod názvem 6-trida-present-simple cont 001.jpg.
K tématu Animals si projectový sheet můžete stáhnout pod názvem 6-trida-animals-project 001.jpg.
- UKÁZKA: bats
- 1 lev
- 1 had
- sloni
- 1 krokodýl
- opice
- 1 medvěd
- klokani
1.-5. listopadu 2010:
Examination (zkoušení): 1. Vocabulary Written Test, 2. Oral Exam (Vocabulary), 3. Reading
Kontrola HW, prezentace a hodnocení.
Present Continuous (Revision); worksheets z Project Grammar Testing Booku.
Homework: projděte si znovu video o Halloweenu z produkce NGC, které najdete zde: Pak napíšete SVÝMI SLOVY 5 anglických vět o tom, o čem video je.
David Buzrla: najdi si na internetu nějaký článek o Halloweenu a napiš mi svými slovy 5 anglických vět o tom, o čem to bylo. Díky všem!
25.-26. října 2010:
Slovníček k Halloweenu najdete v příloze článku.
Milí rodiče, zítra, tj. ve čtvrtek 21. 10., Vám budu od 12.30 hod. k dispozici ve sborovně pro konzultace. Konec konzultací (u mně): 15.00 hod.
18.-22. října 2010:
SB: str. 20-21, Starting with Present Continuous
Examination (zkoušení): 1. Vocabulary Written Test, 2. Oral Exam (Vocabulary), 3. Reading
13.-17. prosince 2010:
Protože jsem zcela nečekaně onemocněla já i moje dcera, odpadly nám tento týden důležité hodiny angličtiny :-(. Aby s vámi suplující paní učitelky nemusely probírat nová témata, nechala jsem Vám nakopírovat a rozdat pracovní listy s opakováním present simple a present continuous. Pokud jste nebyli v hodině a/nebo papíry někde založili, najdete je pod názvem "6-trida-present-simple-continuous-exerc.pdf" na konci tohoto článku ke stažení v pdf.
Ještě upozorňuji, že budeme materiály z tohoto týdne, které jste dostali a o kterých píšu výš, kontrolovat v první hodině po prázdninách, takže si je prosím přineste vyplněné!! Díky :-).
Rovněž budu kontrolovat zapsání slovíček z Workbooků do jotterů - máte v nich mít slovíčka z tématu Mickey´s model dinosaur a My favourite animals.
6.-10. prosince:
Zítra zůstávám doma s dcerou, jejíž škola stávkuje, a tak budete mít samostatnou práci: na čtvrtek do notebooků přeložíte ze str. 25 béžový rámeček o surikatiích.
29. listopadu - 2. prosince:
Všichni, kdo nepřinesli dnes opravené testy, si je přinesou zítra!!! jinak jim E2 vypíšu průpiskou
Přepsat si do jotterů ze strany 76 workbooku slovíčka z Mickey´s model dinosaur.
Tomáš a Filip donesou zítra vyplněné testy, které ostatní psali v hodině na známky.
11/11- Speaking test Part II- individual and pair task. Students must interview a partner and individually report the information they receive.
4/11- "True/False" game. Speaking test Part I (group activity) w/vocabulary and phrases from September and October.
15.-19. listopadu 2010:
Homework No2, který mi dodáte do čtvrtku, 2. 12., mi pošlete nahrávku probraného textu ze str. 24 Student´s Booku (nahoře vpravo bublina a pod tím černý text ze zeleného pozadí - ze cvičení 3 Comprehension). Probrali jsme výslovnost všech slovíček, dejte si pozor zejména na:
- th
- ing
- s, které se vysvětluje jako "z" (např. u slovesa "is")
Program na nahrání se jmenuje Audacity a můžete si jej stáhnout zde:, pro Windows 7 je nejlepší verze 1.3.12. V hodině jsme si ukázali, jak s programem pracovat. Pozor na ukládání!!! Musíte dát Exportovat a uložit třeba na plochu - soubor musí mít koncovku mp3 nebo wav, jinak ho neotevřu. Nezapomeňte soubor pojmenovat svým jménem :-). Pak si čtení nahrajete, POSLECHNETE SI TO a pokusíte se tam najít chyby, kterých jste se mohli dopustit. Nahrávání budete opakovat tak dlouho, dokud to nebude ok :-).
Z tohoto domácího úkolu budete mít 2 známky: První za odevzdání (včas), druhou za kvalitu nahrávky.
Předání: buď mi přineste CD, kde bude soubor vypálen. Nebo flashku, já si jej přetáhnu do svého compu. Nebo mi to pošlete přes na můj e-mail
Známka, kterou získáte za kvalitu výslovnosti, je tudíž jen ve Vaší režii! Můžete nahrávat tak dlouho, dokud výslovnost nebude perfektní .
Homework No 1: Do úterý opravit test (můžete si prázdný formulář stáhnout níže) - chybné věty přepište na druhou stranu nebo do čistého formuláře testu. Kdo test nepřinese, dostane E2!
Hodnoticí stupnice pro test z úterka:
- 20-19 bodů: A1
- 18-17 bodů: A2
- 16-14 bodů: B1
- 14-12 bodů: B2
- 11-10 bodů: C1
- 9-8 bodů: C2
- 7-6 bodů: D1
- 5-4 bodů: D2
- 3-2 bod: E1
- 1-0 bodů: E2
Začneme se stranou 24 My favourite animal. Testem si procvičíme Present Simple and Continuous. Prázdný test si můžete stáhnout v příloze tohoto článku.
- sheep - ovce v jednotném, i MNOŽNÉM čísle (stejně jako fish)
- hippo - zkrácený tvar pro hrocha, budu zkoušet jen ten
- stress - důraz (ve slově)
- giraffe - žirafa - pozor, důraz je na 2. slabice
- insect - hmyz
- výslovnost "ant" x "aunt" - vysvětlovali jsme v hodině. V případě nejasností mrkněte na Cambridge Online Dictionary
Dodělání programu z učebnice podle rozpisu z minulého týdne.
Přehled komentářů
My wife was going to get her annual complete physical. She had never seen this doctor before. We just found him in the local listings.
We were both very excited as we waited in his exam room. My wife was terrified. She hated doctor exams. They are hugely embarrassing and humiliating and often painful for her.
I could see the fear on her face as we waited and waited.
After a forty-five minute wait because the doctor had some sort of emergency he had to deal with, the door opened and the doctor came in. The long wait and the anticipation made us both as wound up as people can be. Every nerve in my body felt electric. And then...
Nurse Kate
(Clydesam, 7. 6. 2021 23:46)
When I met the person that I wanted to spend my life with I never expected that it would be before I left school, someone older, who was married and least of all a woman. When I left England with my mother at the age of 16 to live in Italy in an attempt to help me with the problems I acquired when my parents divorced. I never thought it would be the best decision of my life.
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Three Sluts On A Train
(Enriquebic, 6. 6. 2021 3:08)
Sam, a senior marketing executive at a major bank, navigates through the crowded train platform.Sam is a 32 year old busty brunette with stunning green eyes and long, sensual lashes. Thanks to her assets, she pushes past hundreds of bodies to finally get onto her train and make her way home for the evening without much trouble.
By the time everyone has shoved their way into the carriage, Sam is right in the centre of the throng, with barely any room to move.At this time of night, she knows shell be stuck in this spot for at least the next 30 minutes before her stop.
A Simpleton Becomes Business Women
(DanielSoaws, 5. 6. 2021 20:13)
She got fucked multiple times by Vijay kumarbut Again this time too the result was same ZERO.
Her sister who is oldertoZeenatby one year (24)Salmadelivered a cute baby girl. Since They were staying inHyderabadit was difficult for her to manage workduring her pregnancy and thereafter the baby. So she called her to stay with her for 6 months.Her Husband salman also permitted her to stay there and told her when ever He will be in town he will too come there and stay with them.
Although married herself, Zeenat was doing joband Shetooka 1 year break for her sister . Also, her husband keeps ontraveling as hefocussed more into increasing his business. So She had no worries about moving into her house for 6 months. In fact She was happy that She will get more time to spend with her sisterand her niece. So She packed her bags and moved to her place on a Saturday.
(HarryKaply, 5. 6. 2021 15:47)ände-Mädchen-11-02ße-Mädchen-Die-Sex-Nur-11-06ßen-Nackten-Schwarzen-Mädchen-In-11-04ädchen-Schule-11-06
Cross-dressing camper
(AndrewAmura, 5. 6. 2021 13:19)
So there I was still shaking and standing between Johns legs with my hands on his knees and him sitting there with no pants on still catching our breath when we hear someone yell John and a flashlight comes our way. Im sure we looked like deer in the headlights when the flashlight hits us and didnt move. John! What the? Who is this? as his pace picked up and he got closer to us.Uhh, Steven umm uh John replied We send you for firewood and you get some action in. Lucky Bastard. Im Steven he said to me, not sure if we shake hands or what to do in a situation like this. Im still speechless and he says what are you wearing dude? Thats hot. I introduced myself and grabbed my beer and took a big long swig. Im Scott and yeah I come out here for privacy so I can crossdress. I guess I got caught... again. I stepped back out from between Johns legs and stepped back over the bench.
Surprised By My Wife’s Knowledge
(Thomaslex, 4. 6. 2021 22:52)
I thought she was beautiful as I stood there peeking in through the window.Yes, she was beautiful as she stood there in front of the mirror naked, fondling her small firm breasts, pinching her cute stiff nipples with one hand, her other hand rubbing her hot pussy slit, tickling her clitoris and slipping her small finger up into her tight pussy opening.
I stood there watching as she took herself to a peak then over the edge, her body spasming and jerking as she took herself to orgasm.
I knew right then and there I was going to fuck that girl and give her the real pleasure I was sure she was fantasizing about when she finger fucked herself to an orgasm.
Yes, I was going to slip my large stiff cock right up into that little, I believed, virginal cunt of hers taking her virginity and fucking her until she orgasmed like I was sure she was dreaming of.
I slipped into the house and going to her bedroom door which was also open just a crack.
She was home alone her mother having gone to a meeting with a friend of hers, and would be gone until almost midnight.
I was sure that would give me the time to enjoy her cunt giving her the pleasure that she would keep coming back to me for.
Personal Journal
(Calebdut, 4. 6. 2021 18:02)
August 15th - Doctor Davis has asked me to take over a couple of his patients while he honeymoons in Paris. It was a beautiful wedding, tastefully done. While Chris and I have had our ups and downs, I think Beverly will be good for him. Tall and statuesque, and just dumb enough not to argue too much. That was one of our downfalls, neither one of us could admit to being wrong. We could get past that, even laugh about it, as friends. As more than that...not so much. So, he moved on and found her and I have Ted. When hes in town and when Im not too wrapped up in my own work. Still, he fits what I need, when I need it..almost. Anyway, so I have two new patients to look after for the next couple of months (yes, Months! Sometimes I really hate him!). Im expecting his office to send me the details later this week.
Interesting story
(Michaelbotte, 4. 6. 2021 10:25)
Without any more hesitation, she wrapped her lips around his meat, massaging the tip with her tongue. Evan sighed, placing his hand gently on the back of her head encouragingly. Rachel came out of her shell, drooling on his shaft, sporadically deep-throating as much of him as she could with her hands on his thighs. The sloppy sounds of her sucking were music to his ears along with her moaning more than he was; she really did want to suck his cock, he realized. Neither had noticed nor cared that the door to the apartment was still wide open while she fellated him a few feet away.
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(row, 3. 6. 2021 22:45)
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Hey, sexy!
(Kennethawame, 3. 6. 2021 19:25)
I was coming out of the tiny shower of the suite at 11:45, rushing in the hopes Tom Edwards, the First Officer, might be hanging around the hallway outside “just in case”. Without bothering with underwear, I slip on the summer dress I had worn previously, sandals, and quickly brushed my hair. I opened the door to find Tom nervously pacing just down the hall from my suite.
Funny story
(ThomasLax, 2. 6. 2021 10:48)
“How may I satisfy you best, Sirs? In my mouth or … perhaps my pussy? One at a time or together?”
Nothing was said for a moment, so I interjected my own thought, “May I suggest?” They numbly nodded. “Let’s do both at the same time.
Mr. Wilson, if you’ll lay yourself against the headboard …”
He did as I directed after quickly shedding his remaining clothes.
I crawled up onto the bed after him thinking the reputation of hotel bed covers being a haven for bodily fluids was about to become even truer.
With him settled, I crawled onto the bed to him and looked over my shoulder. In a deliciously devious gesture that only I understood I patted my ass for Tenor to come and fuck me.
(Haroldstibe, 2. 6. 2021 9:11)
You wanted to see me, Sir?
I was two steps into his office, my suit jacket sliding down my arms as I walked to my location between the chairs in front of his desk.
“Something has come to my attention that might be interesting.”
It wasn’t normal for him to blurt out what was on his mind when I was summoned to his office. We had established something of a protocol of how this was to work.
It was akin to a tribal ritual of exchanging pleasant conversation prior to entering into serious exchange, a ritual intended to maintain civility and peace and calm prior to any interaction.
I had thought ours was the same, though it had never been expressed or defined. I undressed and he sat back in his chair to enjoy it prior to entering into any business.
(Carloscrurb, 31. 5. 2021 13:43)
Samantha was a total and complete knockout, a perfect ten, and in today’s language a MILF.
In other words Samantha was a fucking wet dream. If she was coming with us I wanted to go to a water park, a nude beach, or a long walk in a warm light rain.
Well the nude beach was out of the question and the warm summer rain only happened once but it was a memory that would last for a lifetime.
Samantha’s white T-shirt and white bra got soaked, right to her skin. That bra was not very thick and did nothing to hide her dark areolas and hard nipples.
Her tight yellow shorts got wet too. Her pink thong panties became visible and her dark pubic hair did too.
It was the most erotic thing that I had ever seen. I lusted after her that day and ever since.
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Saying hello
(WillMiP, 30. 5. 2021 3:11)
Once we deplane, my cell phone again goes off. It’s the secretary to Senator Harris. Unfortunately, she is unable to meet with me as she was called into a roll call vote on a controversial bill. One that I was absolutely against.
We take the limo to the building that we just purchased. Captain Perez told me about the building needing some work to make it more appealing. When we arrived, we immediately saw what he was referring to. The whole building needed pressure washing at the very least. The trash disposal area was a mess and needed to be cleaned up.
The ladies had already seen enough buildings; however, I did ask Jennifer to join me inside. Much to my relief, there was a security guard at a desk giving directions as to what floor certain companies were located on. I sent Jennifer into the ladies’ room to check things out. I headed into the men’s room. Thankfully, the men’s room was clean and odor free. When I went back outside, Jennifer said the ladies’ room was also clean and without odor. We didn’t stay very long as we had to get cleaned up for dinner with Captain Perez.
The chauffeur drove us to the Watergate. We were greeted by some very nice people who worked hard at putting our luggage on the cart and taking us to the front desk for check-in.
The front desk people checked the four of us in and gave us each a keycard and sent us with the bellman and our luggage up to our suites.
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My wife's physical exam
(RonaldFoope, 8. 6. 2021 5:08)